Maharashtra: After suffering from severe drought, Maharashtra, particularly western districts, is now grappling with a severe flood situation. Over 132,000 people have been evacuated to safer places with flood waters inundating several towns and villages, especially Kolhapur, Sangli and Sangli districts. HAI is initiating its immediate relief programme with focus on food, non-food items and drinking water.
Assam: HAI has already initiated its response in Golaghat district of Assam. In Assam, the floods have affected approximately 5.7 Million people in 30, out of 33 districts. The death toll has climbed to 37. While the Brahmaputra River continues to swell, at least 83,000 people have already been displaced. Many have taken shelter in approximately 500 government-established relief camps, and a lot more have been sheltering on embankments. The risk of more flooding and landslides persists as the monsoon season is not over yet.
The impact on agriculture and infrastructure is likely to lead to longer-term effects on livelihoods and food security, as 80% of the population depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. HAI, together with its local partner NEADS, and with support from HCL Foundation and Himalaya Drug Company has initiated its response in Golaghat district. Our response focuses on immediate lifesaving activities, early recovery of infrastructure and livelihoods, creation of disaster mitigation structures and building awareness on rights and entitlements. There are still many unmet needs, such as repairing/reconstruction of damaged shelters. Please join our efforts in rehabilitating the affected families by making a contribution here.
Here is a short videos we made to show you the aftermath of the floods:
Here are some of the images of the Assam floods taken by our volunteers in the affected areas.
Here are more images from our support work in Assam: