The composition of the IASC membership remains as per established in 2008, well before the World Humanitarian Summit and the Grand Bargain Commitments. It seems inappropriate to continue with structures which are outdated, reflect unequal power dynamics and do not reflect the current commitments to localisation. Although both ICVA and InerAction have local and national NGOs as members, there are increased calls by local and national actors for direct inclusion in international policy discussions and decision making processes. The new structure does not take note of the commitments that are made on localisation and does not formally recognise local and national actors on equitable basis.
The International Convening Committee of Alliance for Empowering Partnerships calls for Local/ National networks to be invited as an IASC standing Invitee on permanent basis. This will proactively demonstrate the seriousness of the localisation commitments and give recognition to the important role they play nationally, regionally and globally. We urge that at each level there should be a recognised role for local/national/ regional network and at least two result group should have a local/ national/regional NGOs network as co-chairs and that local and national NGO network should play an active role in setting the results. The time frame for feedback and participation should be appropriate so broad consultation can take place.
Please read the complete paper here: